To all our trick or treaters, we know Halloween is just around the corner. No doubt you are excited about all the treats and candies headed your way. We don’t want to burst your bubble, but your parents have a few tips for you to enjoy your Halloween treats without breaking your braces. Yes, it’s true, you may not be able to have all the goodies that get dropped in your bag, but here are some things Dr. Kincer and team think will help you to decide what to eat (and what to give away.)
Stay Away From:
- Anything gummy (sorry no gummy bears or Swedish fish)
- Anything sticky and chewy (sorry, no taffy, caramel, or bubble gum)
- Anything too hard (nuts or jawbreakers)
What You Can Enjoy:
- Plain milk chocolate treats (they melt nice and easy)
- A sucker or jolly ranchers (just let them melt and don’t chew them)
- Small bags of cookies (just eat one at a time, not a whole bunch at once)
Having braces doesn’t mean the end of being of all things fun. There are plenty of treats to choose during Halloween that you can enjoy with your friends. It’s important to be responsible and if you are ever unsure of what candies are acceptable or not, you can always ask your parents. We want your teeth to be nice and healthy once you get your braces off while minimizing orthodontic emergencies.
Call For A Consultation
Call Dr. Kincer’s office today for a no obligation consultation if you have any questions or want more information regarding orthodontic treatment.