For people that wear braces or clear aligners, the fact that dentist and orthodontist’s offices have closed during COVID-19 has left many people worried about how it will impact their overall treatment.
Although it’s important to maintain routine visits to ensure proper tooth movement, most appointments are already about 6-8 weeks apart. Being that pandemic closures have delayed 1-2 visits for most of our patients, the side-effects should be kept to a minimum.
No, it’s not ideal, but the good news is that there — in theory — you probably won’t notice in the long run.
If you or your child was scheduled to get your braces off soon, don’t worry. As soon as we confirm that everything looks as it ought to, you can proceed with having your appliances taken off and getting fitted for a retainer. Otherwise, continue wearing your appliances as advised.
In a worst case scenario, our average orthodontic patient will probably spend another month or two in braces than they had originally planned. In the grand scheme of things, it isn’t all that bad! Your treatment plan should pick up right where it left off. If not, we’ll discuss any specific needs during your first trip back to our office.
As we start re-opening for appointments, we’ll be making social distancing changes to minimize interactions and protect your family. Our practice is carefully monitoring all CDC and ADA guidelines as the pertain to re-opening dental offices and providing patient care. We will be in touch with you to arrange a time for your appointment as soon as possible, ensuring that all adequate measures are taken. Your health is essential to us!